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    【成功大學電子學位論文服務系統】最新重要消息 -【NCKU ETDS system)】Latest IMPORTANT news


    自九十八年12月1日開始,本校「國立成功大學數位論文全文系統 (NCKU E-Thesys Dissertation System)」將不再提供學生上傳論文,是日(12/1)起上傳至原系統的論文一概刪除、不予審核。數位論文繳交請改用『國立成功大學電子學位論文服務系統 (NCKU-ETDS) 』(http://etds.lib.ncku.edu.tw/main/index),即日起提供學生試用新系統上傳論文,但此期間上傳至國立成功大學電子學位論文服務系統 (NCKU-ETDS)之論文一律不予審核,並一概於12月 1日刪除。

    相關操作及使用說明請詳閱「國立成功大學電子學位論文服務系統 (NCKU-ETDS)」裡所提供的文件:「成功大學電子學位論文系統提交說明 」、「電子檔案規格轉檔與上傳說明」。

    1. 授權部分(可選擇無償或有償授權)

    2. PDF檔文件內容部分僅需於標題部分填入論文名稱 (中英題名請以空白鍵隔開) [詳細操作請參考:NCKU電子檔案規格轉檔與上傳說明] 。

    3. 論文PDF檔保全改由作者依「NCKU電子檔案規格轉檔與上傳說明」自行設定並給予密碼。

    4. 紙本論文須暫緩公開陳閱者,請於系統上先行下載並填寫【博碩士紙本論文著作權授權書】,無提出申請者,所繳交之紙本論文一律於校內公開陳閱。紙本論文繳交事宜請洽總圖出納台 (分機 65760),上架典藏事宜請 洽典藏組 (分機 65753)。

     我們約需三個工作天 (從上傳日隔天算起,不含星期六、日) 審核處理登錄的數位論文網頁資料及全文電子檔,上傳數量較多時,審核進度會有所延誤。論文審核順序一律依照上傳時間的先後次序,無法接受提前審核的要求,請畢業生自行衡量所需審核的時間及離校期限,儘速上傳、以免延誤。

     論文撰寫之相關規定及離校期限請洽各系所辦公室或教務處註冊組 (分機 50132)。


     Dear Sir or Madam,

     Starting from December 1st, the NCKU E-Thesys Dissertation System will no longer be served for uploading the electronic theses/dissertations, and theses/dissertations submitted to this system since this day will all be deleted and not be audited. Please use the new system "NCKU-Electronic Theses and Dissertations System" (http://etds.lib.ncku.edu.tw/main/index) to upload your theses/dissertations. Theses/dissertations submitted to the new system, "NCKU-Electronic Theses and Dissertations System," before December 1st will not be audited. With regard to ETDS service flow, please refer to the documents provided in the system.
    The "NCKU Electronic Theses & Dissertations Service explanation meeting" will be hold around January, 2010. The location and time will be announced at the end of December. To register for the meeting (from now on to December 20th), please go to http://cdnete.lib.ncku.edu.tw/93cdnet/lib_edu/mainpage.htm

    There are four major changes:
    1. Authorization (With/without royalty fee)
    Authorizing the e-thesis/dissertation outside the school, authors can choose with/without royalty fee. People who choose "royalty fee" need to choose the way getting the fee: (a) donate the royalty fee to school library as a development fund (default) (b) contact the author for the royalty fee redeem. If you choose to get the royalty fee for yourself, you need to fill out the complete contact information in the authorization form.
    2. Fill out the Document Properties in the PDF
    Authors only need to fill out the title field.
    [Please refer to the document: "Guide of ETDS File Format and Conversion and ETDS Service Workflow"]
    3. Enhancing Thesis Protection
    Authors have to set up the protection policy by themselves according to "Guide of ETDS File Format and Conversion and ETDS Service Workflow."
    4. If you have any other reason for not allowing your PRINT thesis to be accessed, please download the form"博碩士紙本論文著作權授權書" and fill it out. If not applying, the print thesis/dissertation will be accessed within the Library right after you turn it in.

     It takes three working days (not includes Saturday and Sunday) to verify your PDF thesis and related information you fill out on the webpage and then the results will be e-mailed to you. (The verification is on a first-come first- serve basis, if delay should have happened, it would be enormous files coming in a very short time. Please allow us more time to finish the verifications).
     If you have any question about the regulations related to composing the thesis/dissertation or the time of departure, please contact your department office or the Registration Division (#50132).
