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    系上曾新穆老師邀請 Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago的俞士綸教授至系上演講,檢附詳細資訊及時間地點於文後,機會難得,請大家踴躍參加!

    日  期:05月27日(三)
    時  間:02:00pm~04:00pm
    地  點:成功大學資訊工程系 4210教室
    對  象:資訊及相關系所教師及研究所學生
    題  目:Truth Discovery in the Web
    主講人:俞士綸教授  服務單位:Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago


      The World Wide Web has become the most important information source for most of us. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee for the correctness of information on the Web. Moreover, different websites often provide conflicting information on a subject, such as different specifications for the same product. In this talk, we propose a new problem, called Veracity, i.e., conformity to truth, which studies how to find true facts from a large amount of conflicting information on many subjects that is provided by various websites. We discuss a general framework for the Veracity problem which utilizes the relationships between websites and their information, i.e., a website is trustworthy if it provides many pieces of true information, and a piece of information is likely to be true if it is provided by many trustworthy websites.


      Philip S. Yu is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago and also holds the Wexler Chair in Information Technology.   He was manager of the Software Tools and Techniques group at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center. Dr. Yu is a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (2001-2004). He is an associate editor of ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data and also ACM Transactions of the Internet Technology. He serves on the steering committee of IEEE Int. Conference on Data Mining. He was a member of the IEEE Data Engineering steering committee. Dr. Yu received a Research Contributions Award from IEEE Intl. Conference on Data Mining in 2003. His research interests include data mining, and database systems. He has published more than 530 papers in refereed journals and conferences. He holds or has applied for more than 300 US patents. Dr. Yu was an IBM Master Inventor.
