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    系上李同益老師邀請 Department of Computer Science, University of California-Davis的馬匡六教授至系上演講,檢附詳細資訊及時間地點於文後,機會難得,請大家踴躍參加!

    日  期:06月01日(一)
    時  間:2:00pm~4:00pm
    地  點:成功大學資訊工程系 4210教室
    對  象:資訊及相關系所教師及研究所學生
    題  目:Visualizing extreme-scale data
    主講人:馬匡六教授  服務單位:Department of Computer Science, University of California-Davis


      The ability to extract meaning from the huge amounts of data obtained from simulations, experiments, sensors, or the world wide web gives one tremendous advantage over others in the respective area of business or study. Visualization becomes a hot topic because it enables that ability. As data size is growing from terascale to petascale and exascale, new visualization techniques must be developed and integrated into data analysis tools and problem solving environments so the collected data can be fully exploited. In this talk, I will point out a few important directions for advancing the visualization technology, which include parallel visualization, knowledge-assisted visualization, intelligent visualization, and in situ visualization. I will use some of the projects we have done at UC Davis in my discussion.


      Prof. Kwan-Liu Ma is a professor of computer science at the University of California-Davis. He leads the VIDI (Visualization and Interface Design Innovation) research group, and directs the DOE SciDAC Institute for Ultra-Scale Visualization. His research spans the fields of visualization, high-performance computing, and user interface design. Professor Ma received his PhD in computer science from the University of Utah in 1993. During 1993-1999, he was with ICASE/NASA LaRC as a research scientist. In 1999, he joined UC Davis. In the following year, Professor Ma received the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for his work in parallel visualization. In 2001, he received the Schlumberger Foundation Technical Award for his work in large data visualization. In 2007, he received the College of Engineering's Outstanding Mid-Career Research Faculty Award.

      Professor Ma is presently leading a team of 15 researchers working on projects in large data visualization, information visualization, visual interface design, artistically inspired illustrations, and volume visualization. He actively serves the research community by playing leading roles in the 2005 NSF Workshop on Cyber Security, SC06 and SC07 Workshop on Ultra-Scale Visualization, 2007 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Visualization, 2008 Pacific Visualization Symposium, and 2008 Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. He is a paper chair of the IEEE Visualization 2008 Conference. Professor Ma  also serves on the editorial boards of the IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications and the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Graphics.
