  • 詳細資料

    05/12(二)邀請Dr. Raymond A. Paul來系演講


    系上朱治平老師邀請 Department of Defense, Washington DC, USA.的Dr. Raymond A. Paul至系上演講,檢附詳細資訊及時間地點於文後,機會難得,請大家踴躍參加!

    日 期:05月12日(二)
    時 間:10:00am~12:00am
    地 點:成功大學資訊工程系 4204 教室
    對 象:資訊及相關系所教師及研究所學生
    題 目:Can Technology Help Make A Better World?
    主講人:Dr. Raymond A. Paul  服務單位:Department of Defense, Washington DC, USA


      Major changes are occurring in the human, computer and communications evolution; changes which embrace many properties of its role. These are not just quantitative in nature, such as exponential increases in processing power and storage capacity; rather they are more fundamental, pointing to the pivotal role of computer engineering and technology and its emerging diversity, both in terms of form and place, in the world. Computers are now embedded within a range of materials and artifacts, and take on roles in many aspects of life. People and their lifestyles have been completely altered by computing. These changes are often initiated by technology and work in parallel with innovation. There is a global scale of change which is taking place hand in hand with humans, new technologies and engineering. This gives rise to both dilemma and challenge between human beings, governments, and criminals; and between globalization and cultural diversity. In this talk we shall comment on change at several levels and develop pointers as to where we are going in the future.

      Broadcast communications is more than one hundred ten years old and the microelectronic microprocessor is nearly fifty years old. The convergence of these two technologies with wire-line and wireless technologies, and with other sub microelectronics technologies, is creating a global village with unlimited possibilities. The innovative agile capabilities of faster, low cost, and shorter cycle time for computing and communications engineering development is making our world smaller. Many separate objects and devices are planned to become connected to global networks. These new computing and communication technologies will link objects, devices, machines, sensors, and humans from distances and provides different new ways to do things and provide new services.

      Human, device, object computing and communications interaction will require fundamental changes. The integrity of the integration could allow us to be able to anticipate what we want, or understand the unknown unknowns better. Increased intuitive forms of interaction and interdependence are on the horizon, increasing our digital footprint to share more and more.

      New technologies and engineering will link not just people but lots of objects. This will be tremendously useful and challenging for an interconnected, integrated, independent, and interdependent world that lacks integrity on many levels.

      After forty years computing engineering and technology has delivered a billion fold increase in the amount of computation one can buy per dollar. We will make another billion fold increase in capability for the same cost over the next twenty five years. Computing and information engineering and technology build on itself at an exponential rate. The exponential growth in computing speed will unlock many solutions for existing problems that the world in general and emerging developing countries in particular must face. Before goals are defined, the engineering and technology selection decisions are made to determine what kind of superstructure must be in place? The evaluation of the engineering and technology would determine the respective infrastructure to meet the consumer driven growth. Only engineering and technology increasing at exponential rates possess the scale to address major challenges such as energy, environment, disease, and poverty confronting the world today.


      Dr. Paul has been a professional electronics engineer, software architect, developer, tester, and evaluator for the past 24 years, Dr. Paul has held many positions in the field of software engineering. Currently, he serves as the technical director for command and control (C2) policy. In this position, he supervises command and control systems engineering development for objective, quantitative and qualitative measurements concerning the status of software/systems engineering resources and evaluating project outcomes to support major investment decisions. This measurement data is required to meet various Congressional mandates, most notably the Clinger-Cohen Act.

      Paul holds a doctorate in software engineering and is an active Fellow of the IEEE Computer Society. He has published more than 100 articles on software engineering in various technical journals and symposia proceedings, primarily under DoD and IEEE sponsorship.
