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    系上黃崇明老師邀請  University of Stavanger & University of Oslo, Norway的 容淳銘教授至系上演講,檢附詳細資訊及時間地點於文後,機會難得,請大家踴躍參加!

    主辦單位:國立成功大學 資訊工程系
    日    期:4月9日(四)
    時    間:2:00pm~4:00pm
    地    點:成功大學資訊工程系 4204教室
    對    象:資訊及相關系所教師及研究所學生

    題  目:ISO-15926 and Semantic Web Applications
    服務單位:University of Stavanger & University of Oslo, Norway

      POSC Caesar Association (PCA) is a global, nonprofit member organization that shall promote the development of open specifications to be used as standards for enabling the interoperability of data, software and related matters. PCA initiated ISO 15926 “Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities" and is committed to its maintenance and enhancement. ISO 15926 currently consists of 7 parts. The published parts, currently parts 1, 2 and 4, are available from ISO.
      Information concerning engineering, construction and operation of production facilities is created, used and modified by many different organizations throughout a facility's lifetime. The purpose of ISO 15926 is to facilitate integration of data to support the life-cycle activities and processes of production facilities.
      The data model and the initial reference data are suitable for shared databases or data warehouse computer systems in development project and in operation and maintenance. Furthermore, as well as, for defining the terms used in product catalogues in e-commerce. Another used of the standard is as a reference classification for shared databases and product catalogues not based on ISO 15926.
      Chunming Rong received his bachelor, master and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Bergen in Norway in 1993, 1995 and 1998, respectively. In 1995 – 1998, he was a research fellow at the University of Bergen. In 2001 – 2003, he was a Post-doc researcher funded by Simula Research Laboratory. Currently, he is a Professor and chair of the computer science section at the University of Stavanger. He serves also as an adjunct Professor at the University Graduate Centre, University of Oslo, since 2005.
      Prof. Rong is given ConocoPhilips Communication Award (Norway) in 2007. His paper “New Infinite Families of 3-Designs from Preparata Codes over  Z4” is awarded Editor's Choice in Discrete Mathematics in 1999.
      He is a member of editorial board for two journals: International Journal of Smart Home (IJSH) and International Journal of Mobile Communications (IJMC) - ISSN 1470-949X. For IEEE International Symposium on Security in Networks and Distributed Systems (SSNDS), he is program chair in 2007 in Canada and general chair in 2008. For International Conference on Autonomic and Trusted Computing (ATC), he is award chair in 2007 in Hong Kong and general chair in 2008 in Norway. For International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC), he is general chair in 2008 in Norway.
      Prof. Rong is chairman of the board of the Foundation of the Norwegian Computer Science Conference (NIK) in 2006-2009, board member of the Norwegian Information Security Network (NISNet) for 2007-2011, and member of the Norwegian Informatics Council (Nasjonalt fagråd for informatikk). He has also been a member of the board for “ICT Security and Vulnerability (IKT-SoS)” Program at the Research Council of Norway. He serves currently also in the workgroup for Information Security in Integrated Operation at the Norwegian Oil Industry Association (OLF).
      As project manager, he received a grant of 1.1 million Euro from the Research Council of Norway for the project “Secure and reliable Wireless and Ad hoc COMmunications (SWACOM)” for 2006 – 2009; and a grant of 1.4 million Euro from the Research Council of Norway for the project “Integrated IP-based Services for smart Home environment (IS-Home)” for 2007 – 2010.  The Norwegian Information Security Network (NISNet) also receives annual funding of 100K Euro from the Research Council of Norway.
      His research interests include computer and network security, wireless communications, cryptography, identity management, electronic payment, coding theory and semantic web technology.
