  • 詳細資料

    2/16(一)邀請Dr. Mario Gerla來系演講

    系上藍崑展老師邀請 University of California at Los Angeles的 Dr. Mario Gerla至系上演講,檢附詳細資訊及時間地點於文後,機會難得,請大家踴躍參加!


    日 期:2月16日(一)
    時 間:2:00pm~3:30pm
    地 點:成功大學資訊工程系 4203教室
    對 象:資訊及電機相關系所教師及研究所學生
    題 目:Vehicular Urban Sensing: Dissemination and Retrieval
    主講人:Dr. Mario Gerla 
    服務單位:University of California at Los Angeles


    There has been growing interest in vehicle to vehicle networking for a broad range of applications ranging from safe driving to advertising, commerce and games. One emerging application is urban surveillance. Vehicles monitor the environment, classify the events, e.g., license plate readings, and exchange metadata with neighbors in a peer-to-peer fashion, creating a totally distributed index of all the events to be accessed by mobile users. For instance, the Department of Transportation extracts traffic congestion statistics; the Department of Health monitors pollutants, and; Law Enforcement Agents carry out forensic investigations. Mobile, vehicular sensing differs significantly from conventional wireless sensing. The vehicles have no strict limits on battery life, processing power and storage capabilities. Moreover they can generate an enormous volume of data, making conventional sensor harvesting inadequate. In this talk we first review popular V2V applications and then introduce MobEyes, a middleware solution that diffuses data summaries to create a distributed index of the sensed data. We discuss the challenges of designing and maintain such a system, from information dissemination to harvesting, routing and privacy.


    Mario Gerla received a graduate degree in engineering from the Politecnico di Milano in 1966, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in engineering from UCLA in 1970 and 1973. He became IEEE Fellow in 2002. After working for Network Analysis Corporation, New York, from 1973 to 1976, he joined the Faculty of the Computer Science Department at UCLA where he is now Professor. His research interests cover distributed computer communication systems and wireless networks. He has designed and implemented various network protocols (channel access, clustering, routing and transport) under DARPA and NSF grants. Currently he is leading the Network Research Lab at UCLA, with focus on robust, scalable network architectures for unmanned intelligent agents in defense and homeland security scenarios. He is also conducting research on scalable TCP transport for the Next Generation Internet (see www.cs.ucla.edu/NRL for recent publications).
