  • 詳細資料

    資訊系12/15 (一) 邀請Professor C. Karen Liu (劉正芸) 來系演講

    本系李同益老師邀請Georgia Institute of Technology, USA的Professor C. Karen Liu(劉正芸)至成大演講,檢附詳細資訊及時間地點於文後,機會難得,請大家踴躍參加!

    日  期:12月15日(一)
    時  間:10:30am~12:00pm
    地  點:資訊工程學系4210教室
    對  象:資訊、電機相關系所教師及研究所
    時  段:2008/12/15  地點:成大資訊工程系  
    題  目:Biomechanically Inspired Computer Animation
    主講者:Professor C. Karen Liu(劉正芸)
    服務單位:Georgia Institute of Technology, USA


     Understanding how animals move has fascinated scientists in many different disciplines since the ancient Greece. Today we have an unprecedented ability to study the dynamics and control echanisms of animal's functional activities, analyze the kinematic and dynamic properties of locomotion, and design computational models to recreate and predict a wide range of natural motions. The power that enables us to achieve what the scientists of the past could only hypothesize stems from three sources. First, we have more complete and integrated domain knowledge across interdisciplinary fields. Second, we have more sophisticated computational tools to tackle the problems that were intractable in the past. Third, we have more accurate and efficient techniques to acquire large amount of motion data.

     My research focuses on designing generative models that synthesize realistic and expressive human motion in a dynamically varying virtual environment. In this talk, I will first present a physics-based representation that captures the variations in biped walking motion.

     The dynamical model incorporates several factors of locomotion derived from the biomechanical literature, including relative preferences for using some muscles more than others, elastic echanisms at joints due to the mechanical properties of tendons, ligaments, and muscles, and variable stiffness at joints depending on the task. When used in an optimization framework, the parameters of the model define a wide range of styles of natural human movements. The second part of the
    talk will focus on synthesis of human responsive motion to arbitrary postural perturbations. This technique exploits the hypothesis that the activation of muscles can be represented by low-dimensional control modules. Our method re-parameterizes the motion degrees of freedom based on joint actuations in the input motion. By only enforcing the equations of motion in the less actuated coordinates, our approach can create physically responsive motion with a specific style of the input motion.


     Dr. Karen Liu is an assistant professor in the School of Interactive Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She received her B.E. degree from the National Taiwan University in 1999, and her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Washington in 2001 and 2005 respectively. Karen's Ph.D. thesis focused
    on designing a generative model for human natural motion. Before joining Georgia Tech, Dr. Liu was an assistant professor at the University of Southern California since 2006. Dr. Liu's research interests are in computer graphics and animation, including physics- based animation, character animation, numerical methods, robotics and computational biomechanics. Dr. Liu received a Young Innovator award from MIT Technology Review journal and a Career Award from NSF.
