  • 詳細資料

    資訊系12/12(五)邀請Professor Cho-Li Wang來系演講

     本系蕭宏章老師邀請 Computer Science, The Univ. of Hong Kong 的 Professor Cho-Li Wang 至成大演講,檢附詳細資訊及時間地點於文後,機會難得,請大家踴躍參加!成大資訊工程專題演講 。

    日  期:12月12日(五)
    時  間:2:30pm ~ 4:00pm
    地  點:資訊工程學系4263教室
    對  象:資訊、電機相關系所教師及研究所學生

    題  目:Process Roaming and Context-Aware Instant Messenger in Pervasive Environments
    主 講 人:Professor Cho-Li Wang
    服務單位:Computer Science, The Univ. of Hong Kong


     With distinguished cost-effectiveness, agility for growth and high-availability, commodity clusters have been the dominant architecture for building supercomputers and large-scale servers. User-friendly language and tool support for exploiting parallelism on clusters has, however, noticeably lagged behind. While relevant research efforts have shown notable convergence into the partitioned global address space (PGAS) programming model in recent years, it meets the performance goal by shifting the effort of controlling shared data distribution and affinity to programmers. Such an abstraction level seems adequate for engineering and scientific applications but certainly not the much wider application domains like web and enterprise applications.

     In view of Java’s overwhelming popularity, we believe extending the Java multithreaded programming model to the cluster environment through an underlying distributed Java virtual machine (DJVM) is an attractive solution. A DJVM enables transparent thread-level parallelization and virtualizes a heap-level PGAS for object sharing among distributed Java threads. With such a single-system image (SSI), programmers are essentially without worrying API-based explicit data partitioning. In contrast to conventional PGAS languages, our philosophy on the best programming paradigm is gluing to idiomatic Java programming that most programmers have been accustomed to. The concomitant advantages are decoupling from complicated API-based clustering and cost savings in software production and maintenance of clustered applications. The talk reports our recent progress on the development of a DJVM, called JESSICA, and suggests future directions in this research.


     Dr. Cho-Li Wang received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from University of Southern California in 1995. He is currently an associate professor of the Department of Computer Science at The University of Hong Kong. Dr. Wang's research interests mainly focus on distributed Java virtual machine, Grid middleware, programming model for multi-core systems, and context-aware software for pervasive/mobile computing. He has published more than 100 reviewed papers in various journal and international conferences. The HKU team started working on the DJVM research in late 1990s. They have built the JESSICA DJVM which is now deployed in the "Hong Kong University Grid Point'' as part of the China National Grid (CNGrid) project. Dr. Wang is serving in a number of editorial boards, including IEEE Transaction on Computers (TC), Multiagent and Grid Systems (MAGS), and the International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (JPCC). He is the regional coordinator (Hong Kong) of IEEE Technical Committee on Scalable Computing (TCSC).
