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    資訊系12/9、12/10邀請Professor Zhang, Wei-Xiong來系演講,請大家踴躍參加!

      本系曾新穆老師邀請Washington University in St. Louis, USA的Professor Zhang, Wei-Xiong至成大演講,檢附詳細資訊及時間地點於文後,共有兩場,機會難得,請大家踴躍參加!
        日  期:12月9日(二)
        時  間:2:00pm~4:00pm
        地  點:資訊工程學系4204教室
        對  象:資訊、醫學相關系所教師及研究所

    題目:A steganographic approach to genome-wide motif finding and its applications.
    主講者:Weixiong Zhang
    服務單位:Washington University in St. Louis, USA
      A powerful approach to understand a biology system and its phenomena, e.g., a human disease, is to identify and characterize the genes that are transcribed under particular conditions. The transcription of a gene is mainly determined by the binding of some special proteins called transcription factors (TFs) to some short DNA sequences called TF binding motifs (TFBMs). Despite that many motif finding methods have been developed, it is a challenge to discover TFBMs, particularly in genome-wide scale.

      We approach the problem discovering TFBMs from a steganographic perspective, in which some secrete messages (motifs) are embedded in a stegoscript. In this talk, I will describe an efficient, genome-wide motif finding algorithm, called WordSpy, based on this new perspective. I will discuss the design of WordSpy and its superb performance, comparing to many existing algorithms, on recovering the first ten chapters of novel Moby Dick from a stegoscript and discovering known cell-cycle related TFBM of budding yeast S. cerevisiae and model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. I will also briefly discuss an application of WordSpy to identifying microRNA genes responsive to abiotic stresses (e.g., drought and low emperature) in Arabidopsis.

      The talk is prepared for an computer science audience, so required biological background will be covered during the presentation.

    Joint work with Guandong Wang

        日  期:12月10日(三)
        時  間:2:00pm~4:00pm
        地  點:工程科學系越生講堂
        對  象:資訊、醫學、工科相關系所教師及研究所

    地點: 4210
    題目:Variations in the transcriptome of Alzheimer’s disease reveal
       molecular networks involved in cardiovascular diseases.
    主講者:Weixiong Zhang
    服務單位:Washington University in St. Louis, USA
     Because of its polygenic nature, Alzheimer’s disease is believed to be caused not by defects in single genes, but rather by variations in a large number of genes and their complex interactions. A systems biology approach, such as the generation of a network of co-expressed genes and the identification of functional modules and /cis/-regulatory elements, to extract insights and knowledge from microarray data will lead to a better understanding of complex diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. In this study, we perform a series of analyses using co-expression networks, /cis/-regulatory elements, and functions of co-expressed gene modules to analyze single-cell gene expression data from normal and Alzheimer’s disease-affected subjects.

     We identified six co-expressed gene modules, each of which represented a biological process perturbed in Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease-related genes, such as /APOE/, /A2M/, /PON2/ and /MAP4/, and cardiovascular disease-associated genes, including /COMT/, /CBS/ and /WNK1/, all congregated in a single module. Some of the disease-related genes were hub genes while many of them were directly connected to one or more hub genes. Further investigation of this disease-associated module revealed /cis/-regulatory elements that match to the binding sites of transcription factors involved in Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular disease.

     Our results show the extensive links between Alzheimer’s disease and cardiovascular disease at the co-expression and co-regulation levels, providing further evidence for the hypothesis that cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease are linked. Our results support the notion that diseases in which the same set of biochemical pathways are affected may tend to co-occur with each other.

     Joint work with Monika Ray and Jianhua Ruan

     Weixiong Zhang is a professor of Computer Science and Genetics at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA. He received his B.S. and M.S. in computer engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, and his M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science from University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Before joining Washington University, he was a senior research scientist at USC/Information Sciences Institute. Professor Zhang's research interests include computational molecular biology and genomics, artificial intelligence, data mining, and combinatorial optimization. He has published more than 100 papers in these areas and is the author of a research monograph, State-Space Search: Algorithms, Complexity, Extensions and Applications, published by Springer in 1999. He currently serves as Associate Editor of PLoS Computation Biology, Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, the Open Systems Biology Journal, and also serves on the editorial boards of international journal of Artificial Intelligence, Journal of Artificial  Intelligence Research, and The European Journal on Artificial Intelligence.
