  • 詳細資料

    公告標題NCKU Health Tracking Questionnaire 體溫症狀確實填報 安全防疫你我共好

    In response to the COVID-19 infection surges, all NCKU students and faculty are reminded to take all precautions to lower the risk of spreading COVID-19 infection.


    1.Please fill out the form for daily body temperature and symptom record tracking. Access the form through this link or the QR code below.

    1. 敬請每天填寫每日體溫及症狀紀錄,如果尚未填寫本校健康關懷問卷調查盡快填寫,連結以下網址:



    2.Those under quarantine or health monitoring, or exhibiting any respiratory symptoms like fever or cough, do NOT come to school.

    2. 如果目前處於居家檢疫、居家隔離、自主健康管理,或若出現發燒、咳嗽等呼吸道症狀,切勿到校。


    3. If you start to display coronavirus-like symptoms, do wear a face mask and seek medical advice immediately at a nearby hospital. If you become a suspected case after diagnosis and require to be screened, you need to inform our Campus Security Report Center (24-hr hotline: 06-2757575 ext. 55555). The University will contact you to provide help and care.

    3. 若出現上述第二點疑似症狀,請戴上口罩並至醫療院所就醫,若醫師診療後判斷疑似新冠肺炎而進行採檢時,請務必通報本校校安中心(24小時06-2757575分機55555),本校人員會進行後續協助。


    4. If you go to the COVID-19 Screening Center or Emergency Department at NCKU Hospital for COVID-19 testing, please scan the QR Code for NCKU students, faculty and staff at the Triage Station.

    4.若採檢地點為本校成醫篩檢中心或急診,請檢傷分類報到時,務必掃描貼在門口有"成大教職員工生COVID-19登錄"之QR Code (如附件)


    5. If any of your family members is currently in home quarantine or home isolation, please inform the NCKU Campus Security Center and DO NOT come to school.

    5.若有家人在同一住所進行居家檢疫或居家隔離, 請務必向校安中心通報,並請不得到校上班上課。



    NCKU COVID-19 Prevention Caucus

    國立成功大學嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎防疫小組 敬上

    公告人員系辦人員 總務
    公告日期2021-05-27 08:42:32

